Sunday, February 27, 2011

Reflection on GAME Plan and Instruction

Step 1: Reflect on the GAME plan you developed and followed throughout the course.

I am pleased with my GAME plan, not so pleased with my progress. I have created summative assessments involving technology for third and fourth quarters. The multi-genre project my students create each year will now be more focused, and the technology that the students use will be varied. I will use the gradual release of responsibility model with a lot of the technology instruction as well as the straight English content instruction. My second goal of using the LexConnect Page more fully for communication and instruction is not fully realized. Like I said in an earlier post, I just need to carve out a time and make it a priority. I am still working on this goal and am planning on improving each week.

Step 2: Summarize any new learning that resulted from your following your GAME plan and explain what impact your new learning will have on your instructional practice.

I learned about more technology applications that can aid in assessing student learning. I do not know how long it would have taken me to learn about Animoto, XtraNormal, and other digital storytelling applications had it not been for this class. I knew about universal design prior to this class, but this class offered a refresher on it for me. Until this class I had not considered using technology as a form of differentiation of instruction. I will now use technology more as a way to help my struggling learners. I have students that struggle with writing that will dictate their thoughts and then transcribe what they've recorded. In addition I will use IPods and even Kindles to help the students who struggle with reading. My view of technology has changed to include it as a tool of intervention and accomodation.

Step 3: Describe any immediate adjustments you will make to your instructional practice regarding technology integration in your content area(s) as a result of your learning from this course.

I think the most immediate adjustment I will make is an adjustment to my planning. Although I have always used technology as much as possible, I always viewed it as a means to a finished product, as something extra to enhance final products. I now view the use of technology as an instructional tool. When I plan, I decide which standard and indicator we will be learning. Then I think about how to use reading to teach it, writing to teach it, and now I think about how to use technology to teach it. There has been a shift in the way I view technology. I now do not see it as an extra, but I see it as an essential. I think I have believed that for several years, but my practice did not reflect this belief. I now hope that my practice does mirror my belief.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Student GAME-Plans

Well, I already began working with my students on GAME-Plans. I had them create a plan for reading, writing, behavior, and technology. I think this is something I'm going to need help with from my learning community. Now, I didn't show them the NETS-S standards when we did the plans. So, I can have the students revisit their GAME-Plans after viewing those; however, my students right now are lost when it comes to technology goals. There is still a huge disconnect between the technology they use--some on a daily basis--and what we do in school. There needs to be a huge shift before this becomes not the case. So, y'all, any ideas to help me encourage them and show them that technology can be and is an integral part of their education???

As far as my goals are going, pretty good, I guess. Revisiting them and reflecting on the goals each week has left me a bit frustrated because I have not been able to make quite as much process as I wanted to due to schedule, work load, and other assignments for Walden. Is anyone else feeling like I am right now??

Friday, February 11, 2011

Week 6--Additional Goal? Am I crazy?

OK, right now I have developed my summative assessment for 3rd and 4th quarters, I have infused technology in my short-range planning as much as possible, both for my use and the students. Finally, I have made the step to re-activate Adamsland Ning because the blog application with ANGEL does not allow the students to create their own blogs, but only respond to my blogs, thus rendering it not much more than a discussion board. I feel like I am on the right track.

My second goal is to use my class' LexConnect page more effectively for instruction and learning, and for communication with the parents. What I need to do in order to continue this is to carve out time to work on the the web page each week, and make that time sacrasanct. Right now I have all the good intentions, but things keep devouring the time. I need to take the time, and I need to make it a priority. I have all of the essential elements in place. I just need to continually update it.

I will admit, I have not had much time to focus on those two goals this week. And as information about new mandates and plans begin to come to us for next year, I see that I need to create a new GAME Plan and create a new goal. For this one, I am going to step back from looking at just my classroom, and broaden my sphere of influence. I am choosing a goal with the 5th standard. 5. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership: Teachers continuously improve their professional practice, model lifelong learning, and exhibit leadership in their school and professional community by promoting and demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources. Teachers:  b. exhibit leadership by demonstrating a vision of technology infusion, participating in shared decision making and community building, and developing the leadership and technology skills of others. I am going to begin with my 7th grade ELA department, and spread out from there in my discussions about educational technology and offer to help teachers that need help breaking from their comfort zones. I think ultimately it would be cool to work with my TIS, then other TISes from across the district to create a bank of ideas, applications, templates, lists of resources, etc. so that across the board, more students can benefit from engaging, relevant lessons infused with technology.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Futher Progress on GAME Plan

To make sure I answer all parts of this week's assignment and to keep myself organized, I am going to use the bulleted list included in the Application instructions for week 5.

  • How effective were your actions in helping you meet your goals?
The actions I have taken to meet my first goal of designing a summative assessment each 9 weeks have been helpful in helping me get the ideas and support to design these authentic projects. Initially these actions were enough. As I've gathered resources and ideas, I now need to revisit the actions and include some more concrete, maybe deadline oriented actions. (Although, there are deadlines worked in to the monitoring section of the GAME Plan.) I also need to include actions to create the materials for the students to complete the assessment.

The actions for my second goal--updating classroom website so it is more than just information--have been adequate. The action I now need is to encourage the students to make visiting our LexConnect a regular part of their routines for ELA.

  • What have you learned so far that you can apply in your instructional practice?
As I am conducting informal surveys and discussing my GAME Plan with my students, and my progress with my students, the biggest thing I have learned that I can apply to my instruction is that not every student is as interested in using technology as I originally thought. I thought all students would be all over it. I have also learned that not all parents view the computer as an important tool in education. Students report of being grounded from the computer and are not even allowed to go on it for class use. So not only do I have to keep in mind that not everyone has up-to-date technology available to them, but also they may not have the desire or ability to use it if they have it.

  • What do you still have to learn? What new questions have arisen?
One big thing I still need to learn, and this applies directly to my instruction, is how much of the technological application should I teach? How much do students need to know? How much should I let them explore and discover on their own?

Also, I need to learn more about ANGEL Learning System. I need to use it to its capability. Right now there is not anyone that knows all of the pertinent application to its fullest. I know there is a 20 hour professional development course that I can take to learn more about it. I will probably do this, although I don't need the hours, to learn more about ANGEL. In addition, I will continue to push my TIS to learn what she can so she can help me!

  • How will you adjust your plan to fit your current needs?
I answered this question a couple of weeks ago, and I think the changes I made then are appropriate for where I am now, and I do not need to make further changes. My GAME Plan is both challenging, but not overwhelming. To recap those changes: My first goal is to create summative assessments for 3rd and 4th quarter of this year. I will wait until I get to know next year's students before I create ones for 1st and 2nd quarters. I need to keep in mine that I may need to change the assessments that I am creating this year.

The only things I will change for the gaol relating to my class website is using student and parent surveys for not only the evaluating part of the plan, but also part of the monitoring part. This will help me ensure that I am meeting the needs of all of the stakeholders in my classes and in their homes.