Thursday, February 17, 2011

Student GAME-Plans

Well, I already began working with my students on GAME-Plans. I had them create a plan for reading, writing, behavior, and technology. I think this is something I'm going to need help with from my learning community. Now, I didn't show them the NETS-S standards when we did the plans. So, I can have the students revisit their GAME-Plans after viewing those; however, my students right now are lost when it comes to technology goals. There is still a huge disconnect between the technology they use--some on a daily basis--and what we do in school. There needs to be a huge shift before this becomes not the case. So, y'all, any ideas to help me encourage them and show them that technology can be and is an integral part of their education???

As far as my goals are going, pretty good, I guess. Revisiting them and reflecting on the goals each week has left me a bit frustrated because I have not been able to make quite as much process as I wanted to due to schedule, work load, and other assignments for Walden. Is anyone else feeling like I am right now??


  1. Pauline:

    I am feeling the same way as you. I am about running on empty right now, with this combination of assignments for this course, and my school work. I have to see about term examinations soon and my regular class teaching. I guess it is a bit challenging getting students to follow the technology goals that we set for them. Their initial response to technology is its enjoyment, fast pace and creativity. Setting guidelines limits them to achieving something specific, which is not how they view technology.

  2. Hello Debb~I agree the feeling is mutual. I am spent also. In creating, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating the GAME plan has been a huge process. It has been a learning adventure and I have enjoyed creating and reflecting upon my new found knowledge however the time has been lacking within the classroom. It has been challenging at times and students are definitely ready for the what is next, tell me more, can we try this when it comes to technology. I find when I connect students personally with their lives and technology they seem to understand better. In relating the information tends to make a great impact. Luck to you!

  3. @Pauline--I think we are all feeling the same thing! It is a crazy time. I am trying to get my students to set their own goals and create their own GAME Plans. In doing so, they are more invested in the process.

    @Hanna--This indeed has been an adventure. I love the opportunity for reflection that we have been given with this whole process. I will admit that sometimes it seems to be one more thing on an ever-growing list, but when I sit down and actually reflect, it is so much more beneficial!

  4. Debb,

    I am in the same boat when it comes to not enough time. I think finishing our degree will help a lot, as well as summer break. I have so many ideas that would add creativity and motivation for my students, but right now I have a hard time implementing them. I am impressed that you have already had your students create goals! As far as creating more of a connection with technology, maybe you could give students a topic or a website each week that would help them see how important technology is and will be for them in the future. Maybe some sites that highlight jobs/careers that solely rely on technology.

  5. Debb,

    Take heart because you are a whole lot further along than I am. There is so much going on in our school right now that using a GAME plan or introducing anything new right now is out the question. You have way more "gumption" than I do. I believe once I am done preparing our students for the state testing in April, I will have the time and freedom to do more with all the technology we have learned about. Possibly you might find the same to be true? Good luck!
